Your Business Should Create Trust

Big Picture Questions for your CRM

  • How do you generate customers?

    There are several ways to attract your customers.  Having a developed plan, that works, is key to getting their attention.

  • What is your process to nurture future customers?

    The second level of a CRM is key in moving customers toward a decion that will strengthen your relationship in the purchasing process. What is your process?  Is it working?

  • What are your conversion rates?

    What you sell determines what percentage is acceptable.  Successful business's usually have strong converstion rates, or they are flooding a market for a large group of consumers.  What is acceptable to you?  

  • How exceptional is the delivery of your product or service?

    Whether you are building kitchens or creating digital books, delivery is essential.  Quality, communication and the importance of time can't be understated.

  • How do you retain customers, for future work work or word of mouth?

    Regardless of how somone enters the process of choosing to trust your product or service, the final aspect could be considered the most important for your company's sustainability.  Are your former customers talking about you?  If not, why? 

Why CRM Matters

CRM- Customer Relationship Management creates trust.  Trust generates clients as well as referrals.  An effective strategy will focuse on building trust and positive experiences with its customers.

CRM includes everyone!
When a sales associate helps to solve a difficult problem, odds are the client will return.  20 years ago, the phrase, "I am good with people" was pretty essential to being hired.  CRM begins with being good with people first! Statistically, 80%  of clients will be referred.  Although customer interactions can be time-consuming for a salesperson, they can also hold the key to future sales.
A positive experience creates a bond.  A good process includes detailed plans concerning;
  • Generating new clients
  • Nurturing that relationship
  • Converting them into paying customers / clients
  • Delivering good or services in a timely and professional manner
  • Retaining the client with communication and additional services
There are  number of strategies and tools, including special software. CRM software stores customer information in an easy-access format. Having a CRM tool for your needs  integrates your marketing, sales increases foot traffic and develops trust.  
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