Each area of life effects one another. We do not effectively live when we categorize certain aspects into little boxes. When one area of life is wanting, the others are negatively affected as well, however, we may only see the one big thing before us.
My methods are a combination of consulting, coaching and counseling. We assess and give answers on the areas that affect productivity and joy negatively: educate wellness, health, communication, behavior modification, and interpersonal relationships. With years of experience with families and teams as well, you can be sure to receive expert, individualized attention that will give you a clear direction and peace.
I'm not interested in quick fixes and shortcuts. Those are typically why things got messy in the first place. If it took 20, 30, 40 plus years to get to a certain place, one should not expect that a two-hour session will give them the 180 degrees turn around they are wanting. Positive results can come faster in certain situations. In 12 weeks we can cover a lot of ground. Regardless of our time, you will receive 12 months of check-ins as well.
We are not interested in wasting time, money and mental effort with trying to get you to sign up for six months to a year or pull you along in the process. The last thing anyone of us wants or needs is extra financial or personal stress. We guarantee results specific to you or your employee's needs.
There is so much to learn, to understand about one's self. The literature and knowledge of others who preceded us have been passed on for your betterment. We are people, people who on occasion need someone to be real, authentic, caring and candid while helping us to get to the place we desire.